Unique collaborations for sustainable development.
Xuchil Products
How can we revitalize the Oaxacan countryside, take on malnutrition and chronic diseases such as diabetes, while creating jobs for both young people and farmers? Xuchil Products has the solution.
DAVA Handmade Footwear
Is it possible to create sustainable employment for a network of artisans in various indigenous communities while entering the global market? DAVA Handmade Footwear bets it can.
Xula Palm Craft
Is it possible to preserve and innovate an ancient tradition to reduce migration in a remote community suffering from poverty? With Xula Palm Craft, we promise you can.
Your father has to leave to find work.
How many family members have to leave each other to earn enough income to cover their basic needs? Economic poverty in Oaxacan rural communities remains an undeniable reality.

Innovate, build skills, and co-create new opportunities.
Since its foundation, Tejiendo Alianzas has based its work on the cultivation of a long-term and impactful relationship with residents of indigenous rural communities.