
Richard Hanson


General Director

Originally from Texas, Richard’s interests in cultural diversity, the experiences of migrants, and economic development led him to research and create social projects with youth from various countries in Latin America.

After completing his academic career, Richard created a project in Oaxaca to connect young people from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds to explore history, identity, and future aspirations through various information and communication technologies.

Later working for a Mexican foundation, he focused on creating community development plans and small projects that could lead to sustainable employment in rural communities. His co-founding of Tejiendo Alianzas reflects the culmination of professional experience and the creation of networks linking Oaxacans from rural communities, NGOs, and various academic institutions in Mexico and the United States over the past ten years.

Sarahi Garcia


Program Director

As an indigenous Zapotec woman of artisan parents from San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca, Sarahi received a law degree from the Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez in Oaxaca, with a special focus on human rights and the customary law of indigenous peoples.

Sarahi’s interests link to the social, cultural, and economic development of indigenous communities, the exploration of indigenous identities and traditions, and the promotion of the integration of these communities in regional, national, and global economies. while preserving and strengthening local identities and culture.

With a diverse professional background, Sarahi first worked as Coordinator of the Oaxifornia program, then as a legal assistant in indigenous rights issues for the Attorney General's Office, before working for a Mexican foundation in creating community development plans. In 2017, she co-founded Tejiendo Alianzas, applying all of her previous knowledge and experiences.
